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Jody Broaddus

Updated: November 12th, 2020 | Honolulu | Lawyer List J | The Attorneys for Freedom Law Firm |

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Address: 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1260, honolulu, HI, 96813
Law Firm: The Attorneys for Freedom Law Firm
Phone: 808-278-9190
Website: http://www.attorneysforfreedom.com

TitleSenior Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Civil Rights, Civil Litigation, Wrongful Death, Slip and Fall, Boating Accidents, Sexual Abuse, Dog Bites, Automobile Accidents, Trucking Accidents
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The Attorneys for Freedom Law Firm

The entire legal team at The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm, is committed to excellence; it’s what I demand from anyone who works for my firm. We promise to represent you in your case the same way we would want to be represented ourselves.The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm actively seeks to inspire and improve the lives of its clients, its employees, and the general community. We are activists who value and intentionally promote the pr…

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