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John A. Bowman

Updated: April 30th, 2021 | Durham | Lawyer List J | Maxwell Freeman & Bowman P.A. | Civil Litigation, Family Law, Family Mediation,

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Address: 2741 University Drive, durham, NC, 27717-2396
Law Firm: Maxwell, Freeman & Bowman, P.A.
Phone: 919-864-2359
Fax: 919-493-1218
Website: http://www.mfbpa.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Family Mediation, Civil Litigation
Description14th Judicial District Councilor, North Carolina State Bar Council, 2008-. Member, Executive Committee, North Carolina Conference of Bar Presidents, 1998-2001.
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Maxwell Freeman & Bowman P.A.

Since 1975 Maxwell, Freeman & Bowman, P. A. has engaged in a statewide practice of law, with a special focus in the Triangle, in the following areas of law:-General Civic and Litigation-Real Estate (Commercial)-Community Associations-Estate Planning-Estate Administration-Corporate and Business Planning and Development-Elder Law-Divorce-Alimony and Equitable Distribution-Child Custody and…

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