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John B. Crowther

Updated: February 4th, 2023 | Orange City | Lawyer List J | John B. Crowther |

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Address: 279 East Graves Avenue, orange-city, FL, 32763
Law Firm: John B. Crowther
Phone: 386-775-6179
Fax: 386-775-7908
Website: http://www.johncrowtherlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Probate, Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Commercial, Corporate, Elder Law
DescriptionPhi Alpha Theta; Phi Alpha Delta (Treasurer, 1973; Justice, 1974). Listed, Outstanding Young Men of America, 1979, 1980. Recipient, State of Florida Good Government Award, Florida Jaycees, 1978. City Councilman and Chairman, 1977-1981 and Mayor, 1978, 1979, Orange City. Member, 1977-1981 and Secretary, 1980, Volusia County League of Municipalities. Member, Orange City Charter Review Committee, 1975, 2008. Member, Board of Directors, DeBary Chamber of Commerce, 1992-1996. Member, Board of Directors and Attorney, Deltona Area Chamber of Commerce, 1982-1992. Member, Board of Directors, Cultural Arts Center, 1990-1994. Member, Organizing Board of Directors and Organizing Attorney, Boys and Girls Club of Volusia County, Inc., 1992-1997. Member, Board of Directors (Complimentary) and Attorney, African American Museum of the Arts, 1997 . Member, Volusia County, Bar/Judiciary/Clerk Committee, 2003 . Member, Volusia County, Probate and Guardianship Subcommittee, 2003 . Lifetime Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1989. Black Belt of the Year, American Okinawan Karate Association, 1999. Lifetime Member, Southwest Volusia Habitat for Humanity, 2006. Orlando’s Top Lawyers (2012), Orlando Home & Leisure, October 2012.
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John B. Crowther

Founded in 1974, John B. Crowther assists with numerous legal challenges, including Contracts, Trusts and Estates, Estate Litigation and Wills and Probate issues. From our office in Orange City, the firm’s attorneys deliver exceptional counsel and service to Volusia County clients.

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