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John Burleson

Updated: November 11th, 2020 | Waco | Lawyer List J | Pakis Giotes Page & Burleson A Professional Corporation | Corporate Law, Mergers, Real Estate,

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Address: 400 Austin Avenue, Suite 400, waco, TX, 76701
Law Firm: Pakis, Giotes, Page & Burleson A Professional Corporation
Phone: 254-297-7300
Fax: 254-297-7301
Website: http://www.pakislaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCorporate Law, Mergers, Real Estate
DescriptionJohn Burleson joined the firm in March, 1981. John received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Baylor University in 1979 and his Juris Doctor degree from Baylor University School of Law in 1981.His primary areas of practice include Business and Commercial Matters, Real Estate Law, and Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures.
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Pakis Giotes Page & Burleson A Professional Corporation

In 1963, William R. ‘Bill’ Pakis opened his law office in Waco. With a primary focus on the formation and operation of business entities and the effective administration and disposition of estates, Bill formed and guided what is now this fourteen-lawyer firm. Our firm has grown along with many of our clients, and our attorneys now practice in virtually every area of the law. With offices near both county and federal courthouses, our firm has been…

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