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John D. Ryland

Updated: September 27th, 2021 | Alexandria | Lawyer List J | Provosty Sadler & deLaunay APC | Commercial Litigation,

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Address: 934 Third Street, Suite 800, alexandria, LA, 71309
Law Firm: Provosty, Sadler & deLaunay, APC
Phone: 318-269-6442
Website: http://www.provosty.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Litigation
DescriptionPhi Kappa Phi; Phi Delta Phi.
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Provosty Sadler & deLaunay APC

The Oldest Business and Defense Oriented Firm in Central Louisiana.Provosty, Sadler & deLaunay, APC, founded in 1945, is the oldest business and defense oriented firm in central Louisiana, serving local, statewide and national clients. The firm handles cases in all Louisiana State and Federal Courts and the United States Supreme Court. Three of its members have served as President of the Louisiana State Bar Association. The firm has the h…

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