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John D. Singer

Updated: June 5th, 2021 | Los Angeles | Lawyer List J | Singer Deutsch LLP |

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Address: 1901 Avenue of the Stars, 2nd Floor, los-angeles, CA, 90067-6001
Law Firm: Singer Deutsch LLP
Phone: (212) 682-4224
Fax: 310-461-1304
Website: http://www.singerdeutsch.com

TitlePartner & Co-Founder
First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionAssociate Editor, Law and Policy in International Business, 1991-1992.
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Singer Deutsch LLP

Securities Arbitration, Securities Regulation, Securities Litigation, Enforcement ProceedingsThe securities and commodities industries are highly regulated, and the complex laws governing them require the services of experienced attorneys. When a dispute arises between an investor and a broker, the parties are generally required to attempt resolution of their dispute with one of several regulatory organizations, including FINRA (formerly…

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