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John H. Gibson

Updated: April 9th, 2022 | Wichita | Lawyer List J | Gibson Watson Marino LLC |

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Address: 301 N. Main, Suite 1300, wichita, KS, 67202
Law Firm: Gibson Watson Marino LLC
Phone: 316 264-7321
Website: http://www.gibsonwatsonlaw.com

TitleFounding Member
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Estate Planning, Insurance Defense, Mediation, Medical Malpractice Defense, Probate
DescriptionJohn represents healthcare and commercial liability insurance clients in civil litigation matters. He also represents clients in business and corporate matters as well as estate planning and administration, including wills, trusts, powers of attorney, transfer-on-death deeds, guardianships, prenuptial agreements, blended family planning and a broad range of estate planning options. Small business ownership is often closely tied to family estate planning and his practice includes incorporation, business buy-outs, asset transfer agreements and business succession planning. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Newman University and graduated from Washburn University School of Law in 1972. He served as associate editor of the Washburn Law Journal. Admitted to practice in 1972, John joined the former Boyer, Donaldson & Stewart firm, which merged with Gilliland & Hayes, LLC in 2002. He is admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Kansas, the United States District Court for Kansas, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court. John is a founding member of Gibson Watson Marino LLC. In addition to his professional memberships, John is a member of the Wichita Executives Association, on the AAA of Kansas Traffic Safety Board of Directors, and serves at the Christian Legal Society Legal Aid Clinic. Pro-Bono Activities Christian Legal Society, Member AAA, Kansas Traffic Safety Board of Directors Past Positions Boyer, Donaldson & Stewart, 1972 Gilliland & Hayes, LLC, 2002
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