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John J. Davies

Updated: April 26th, 2023 | Culpeper | Lawyer List J | Davies Barrell Will Lewellyn & Edwards PLC |

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Address: 122 West Cameron Street, culpeper, VA, 22701-3004
Law Firm: Davies, Barrell, Will, Lewellyn & Edwards, PLC
Phone: 540-385-5947
Fax: 540-825-1989
Website: http://www.dbwle.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeZoning, Planning and Land Use, Business Law, Estate Planning, Probate, Trusts and Estates, Wills, Elder Law
DescriptionDelta Theta Phi. Delegate, Virginia General Assembly, 1992-2000; Committee Member: Courts of Justice, 1992-1998; Health, Welfare and Institutions, 1992-2000; Nominations and Confirmations, 1992-1998; Agriculture, 1993-2000; Privileges and Elections Committee, 1998-2000; General Laws, 1998-2000. Member: Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board, May 2002 ; Criminal Justice Services Board, 1992-1997; Virginia Crime Commission, 1995-1998; Joint Commission on Health Care, 1998-2000. Member, Committee on District Courts, 1995-1998, Special Justice, 1975-1982 and Chair, 1994-1997, Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program State Advisory Board. Member: Virginia Purchases and Supply Appeals Board, 1982-1985; Historic and Natural Resources Board, 1986-1989; Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Board, 1989-1991. President, 1986-1991, 2001-2002, Culpeper Renaissance, Inc.
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Davies Barrell Will Lewellyn & Edwards PLC

Experience. Drive. Results.Davies, Barrell, Will, Lewellyn & Edwards, PLC was founded in 1974 by John J. Davies, III and Charles D. Barrell, Culpeper County high school classmates. The firm has a general practice with each of the seven attorneys concentrating in several areas of law. The firm emphasizes community involvement and commitment.

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