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John Kokish

Updated: March 31st, 2021 | Castle Rock | Lawyer List J | Kokish & Goldmanis P.C. |

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Address: 316 Wilcox Street, castle-rock, CO, 80104
Law Firm: Kokish & Goldmanis, P.C.
Phone: 303-688-3535
Website: http://www.kgattys.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Real Estate, Employment Law, Business Law, Family Law, Mediation
DescriptionMember, Order of St. Ives. Recipient: West Award; American Jurisprudence Awards in Contracts and Administrative Law. Assistant County Attorney, Douglas County, 1980-1982. Member, Governor’s Commission on Judicial Performance, Eighteenth Judicial District, 1989-1993. Member, Panel of Arbitrators, American Arbitration Association.
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Kokish & Goldmanis P.C.

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