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John Padilla

Updated: January 25th, 2022 | Durham | Lawyer List J | Hyland + Padilla PLLC |

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Address: 3620 Shannon Road, Suite 105, durham, NC, 27707-6332
Law Firm: Hyland + Padilla PLLC
Phone: 919-797-9382
Fax: 919-401-9165
Website: http://www.hylandandpadilla.com

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DescriptionJohn graduated from Emory University in 1987. He attended law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1987 to 1990. After obtaining his law degree, John practiced law with a law firm in Durham, North Carolina and a large personal injury firm in Greenville, North Carolina. John returned to practice law in his hometown of Durham in 1998.
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Hyland + Padilla PLLC

Experienced and Dedicated Personal Injury Law Firm Serving Raleigh/DurhamThe attorneys at Hyland + Padilla PLLC, a legal team with over 33 years combined experience, focus on catastrophic personal injury cases. We provide legal services for civil jury trials in North Carolina District and Superior State Courts and the U.S. District Court, Middle District, as well as for North Carolina Industrial Commission claims for worker’s compensat…

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