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John W. Hayek

Updated: April 28th, 2022 | Iowa City | Lawyer List J | Hayek Moreland Smith & Bergus L.L.P. | Family Law, Litigation, Real Estate Law,

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Address: 120 East Washington Street, iowa-city, IA, 52240-3924
Law Firm: Hayek, Moreland, Smith & Bergus, L.L.P.
Phone: 866-759-9229
Fax: 319-338-7376
Website: http://www.hmsblaw.com

TitleDeceased 2014
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Real Estate Law, Family Law
DescriptionDean Mason Ladd American Inn of Court (Emeritus Master). First Assistant County Attorney, Johnson County, 1967-1970. City Attorney, Iowa City, 1974-1981. Special Counsel, City of Iowa, City for Urban Renewal, 1971-1990. Member: Sixth Judicial District Nominating Commission, 1978-1983; Iowa Supreme Court, Family Court Committee, 1989; Sixth Judicial District Caseflow Management Committee, 1995-1996. Chairperson, Sixth Judicial District Bench-Bar Liaison Committee, 1990-1995.
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Hayek Moreland Smith & Bergus L.L.P.

Hayek, Moreland, Smith & Bergus, LLP has operated from the heart of downtown Iowa City since 1926. As a general practice firm, we serve individuals, small businesses, large employers, and corporations.Hayek, Moreland, Smith & Bergus, L.L.P. was founded in 1926 by Will J. Hayek. Having started as a local general practice, the firm now serves Eastern Iowa, particularly Johnson, Linn, Cedar, Iowa, Washington and Muscatine Counties, with a wi…

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