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Joseph A. Seltzer

Updated: June 2nd, 2021 | San Francisco | Lawyer List J | The Miller Law Firm |

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Address: 235 Montgomery Street, Suite 930, san-francisco, CA, 94104
Law Firm: The Miller Law Firm
Phone: 415-853-5183
Fax: 415-437-0177
Website: http://www.constructiondefects.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionJoseph is a first year Associate Attorney with The Miller Law Firm, joining the team of leading industry professionals after passing the California State Bar in November of 2016. During his tenured internship with the firm, Joseph developed and enriched his unique research skills for our team of attorneys. As an Attorney at The Miller Law Firm, Joseph’s responsibilities include attending both plaintiff and developer inspections and testing, assisting with litigation matters, and acting as a communication liaison for homeowners, realtors and tenants on the current status of our client’s association claims. DISTINCTIONS: While attending UC Hastings College of the Law, Joseph was a member of the International & Comparative Law Journal, competed as an appellate advocate and served as a teaching assistant for both Legal Writing & Research and Moot Court. INDUSTRY AFFILIATIONS: Executive Council of Homeowners (ECHO) Community Associations Institute (CAI) California Association of Community Managers (CACM) Friends of Institute Real Estate Management (IREM)
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The Miller Law Firm

As an authority in the field of construction defect litigation for thirty-five years, The Miller Law Firm provides the finest quality of legal representation in the resolution of construction claims. Having literally written the book, The Miller Law Firm is professionally adept at the proper approach to protecting the rights and interests of homeowners in urban mid-rise, high-rise, and mixed use associations. This signature practice, while foc…

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