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Joshua Weinberger

Updated: May 22nd, 2021 | Brockton | Lawyer List J | The Law Office of Joshua Weinberger |

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Address: 15 Torrey Street, Suite 201, brockton, MA, 02301
Law Firm: The Law Office of Joshua Weinberger
Phone: 774-202-9146
Fax: 508-857-5394
Website: http://www.weinberger-law.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Law, Drug Crimes, Traffic Violations, DWI, DUI, Juvenile Criminal Law, Personal Injury, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Slip and Fall, Wrongful Death, Real Estate, Business Law, Contracts, Immigration Law, Collections
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The Law Office of Joshua Weinberger

Providing Individualized Attention and Personalized CareWhen legal issues impact your health and safety, threaten your freedom or literally take food off your table, you want an attorney with the knowledge and skill to get justice for you. For more than 15 years, Joshua Weinberger has offered legal services to safeguard the rights of Brockton and South Shore residents who find themselves in serious legal disputes. We are available to assi…

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