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Julie A. O’Halloran

Updated: July 20th, 2021 | Jackson | Lawyer List J | Geittmann Larson Swift LLP | Alternative Dispute Resolution, Divorce, Family Law, Mediation,

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Address: 155 East Pearl Avenue, jackson, WY, 83001
Law Firm: Geittmann Larson Swift LLP
Phone: 307-201-6505
Fax: 307-733-3947
Website: http://www.mlslawyers.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Divorce, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Recipient: Zilber Law Scholarship; American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Scholarship. Student Articles Editor, Marquette Law Review, 1988-1989. Formerly with Margolis & Cassidy, 1989-2001; Gagne & O’Halloran, LLC (2001-2015); Ranck, Schwartz & O’Halloran (2015-2016).
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Geittmann Larson Swift LLP

In January 2017, Mullikin, Larson & Swift LLC merged with Adamson Geittmann PC, and attorney Julie O’Halloran to form Geittmann Larson Swift LLP. The high quality innnovative legal services that have contributed to their established reputation and combined legal experience can now be found under one firm.

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