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Karen Shaw

Updated: March 14th, 2021 | Beachwood | Lawyer List K | The Nash Group LLC |

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Address: 2530 Fairwood Court, beachwood, OH, 44122
Law Firm: The Nash Group, LLC
Phone: (440) 759-0817
Fax: 440-953-9944
Website: http://www.thenashgroupllc.com

TitleSenior Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionGraduated Kent State University in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts degree and top honors. Graduated Case Western Reserve School of Law in 1997 with a Juris Doctorate degree and in top 20% of class. Clerked for Federal Judge Solomon Oliver, Jr. in summer of 1995. Gained valuable insight to inner workings of federal court. Assisted in research and opinion writing on variety of topics
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The Nash Group LLC

Attorneys with business advice, insurance regulatory compliance advice and policy contracts for all states, including insurance product design (auto, home, motorcycle, RV, commercial, manufactured & mobile home, business and surplus lines).The Nash Group is ready to design competitive insurance products that avoid unnecessary loss exposure and coverage litigation by creating customer-friendly policy contracts and other forms that meet the…

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