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Kathryn Grant Madigan

Updated: October 23rd, 2023 | Vestal | Lawyer List K | Levene Gouldin & Thompson LLP | Elder Law, Trusts and Estates,

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Address: 450 Plaza Drive, vestal, NY, 13850
Law Firm: Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP
Phone: 607-763-9200
Fax: 607.763.9211
Website: http://www.lgtlegal.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTrusts and Estates, Elder Law
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa; Mortar Board. Recipient: Ruth G. Schapiro Award, New York State Bar Association Committee on Women in the Law 2013; Bar Registry of Preeminent Women Lawyers 2011-; Outstanding Young Lawyer, New York State Bar Association, 1987; Phoenix Award, Citizen Action of New York, 1988; Stanley B. Reiter Award for Extraordinary Service to the Bar Association, 1997; Girls Scouts Woman of Distinction Award, 2008; Alumna in Residence, 2008 and Kate Stoneman Award, 2000, Albany Law School of Union University. Trustee, IOLA Fund of New York, 2008-. Chair and Member, Binghamton University Council, 2008-. Chair, Binghamton University Presidential Search Committee, 2010-2012. American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (Fellow, 1997). Author: chapter, ‘Pitfalls of Elder Law Practice,’ 2002 and ‘Guardianship Practice in New York State,’ 1997, 2004 and 2009. American Bar Association, Standing Committee on Bar Activities and Services, 2012-, Chair 2014- , Bar Leadership Institute, 2008-2011, 2013- ; National Conference of Bar Presidents, 2008-2010; New York State Bar Association, President 2007-2008; Broome County Bar Association, President 1988-1989.
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Levene Gouldin & Thompson LLP

Personal. Powerful. Protection.For more than 90 years, Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP has been providing individuals and businesses in the Southern Tier of New York with a wide range of personal and corporate legal services. The ability to offer prompt, practical, results-oriented service has made the firm one of the largest and most respected law practices in Upstate New York and the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania. The lawyers of Leven…

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