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Keith A. McKenna

Updated: September 28th, 2021 | Montclair | Lawyer List K | The McKenna Law Firm LLC | Business Litigation, Civil Litigation, Eminent Domain, Trial Practice,

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Address: 96 Park Street, montclair, NJ, 07042-2929
Law Firm: The McKenna Law Firm, LLC
Phone: 855-206-6687
Fax: 973-509-3580
Website: http://www.mcklaw.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Eminent Domain, Trial Practice, Civil Litigation
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The McKenna Law Firm LLC

EFFICIENT NEW JERSEY BUSINESS LAWYERS DELIVER RESULTSWe are a boutique law firm established by attorneys with expertise in a wide range of business and law practice areas. We are not simply litigators, but experienced trial lawyers. Our trial experience allows us to begin each case with the endpoint in mind. Our practice includes trial and appellate matters in federal and state courts in the region, as well as extensive alternative disput…

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