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Kelly E. Hadley

Updated: January 8th, 2024 | Scranton | Lawyer List K | O'Malley Harris Durkin & Perry P.C. |

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Address: 345 Wyoming Avenue, scranton, PA, 18503
Law Firm: O’Malley, Harris, Durkin & Perry, P.C.
Phone: 570-348-3711
Fax: 570-348-4092
Website: http://ohdplaw.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Practice, Insurance Defense, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Wills, Construction Law
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O'Malley Harris Durkin & Perry P.C.

O’Malley, Harris, Durkin & Perry, P.C. has been the premiere medical malpractice and insurance defense firm in Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania since 1932.While having the breadth of knowledge and experience of a large metropolitan area firm, OHDP provides the personalized, individual attention that only a smaller, community oriented firm can offer. The members of our legal team originate from the area and have strong family ties her…

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