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Kenneth S. Schrupp

Updated: August 5th, 2020 | Nashville | Lawyer List K | Puryear Law Group | Construction Law, Insurance Law,

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Address: 104 Woodmont Boulevard, Suite 201, nashville, TN, 37205
Law Firm: Puryear Law Group
Phone: 888-521-5907
Fax: 615-630-6602
Website: http://www.puryearlawgroup.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeConstruction Law, Insurance Law
DescriptionFor more than twenty-five years, Mr. Schrupp has represented contractors, subcontractors, design professionals, owners, developers, and sureties in construction-related litigation in multiple venues. He has also represented insurers and insureds in insurance coverage disputes. Mr. Schrupp has served as Appraiser and Umpire in property insurance claim disputes, and as Special Master to the United States District Court for Western Tennessee in Miller Act suits. He has advised contractors, subcontractors, and design professionals on state licensure matters, and has represented construction and design professionals in administrative proceedings. Mr. Schrupp has lectured on construction and insurance law issues at seminars and law schools. Legal Methods Research Fellow, 1990-1991. Staff Member, 1990-1991 and Editor-in-Chief, 1991-1992, Memphis State University Law Review. Recipient, American Jurisprudence Awards: Torts, Legal Methods, Federal Courts. Law Clerk to the Hon. James D. Todd, U.S. District Court Judge, Western District of Tennessee, 1992-1993. Author: Securities – Reves v. Ernst & Young: The Status of Notes Under the Securities Acts: An Analysis of the Family Resemblance Test,’ 21 Mem. St. U.L.R. 387, 1991. Adjunct Instructor, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, 1994-1995. Member: ABA Construction Law Forum; Tennessee Council on Vocational-Technical Education.
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Specializing in Commercial and Business Litigation. Call TODAY for a consultation.Puryear Law Group is a boutique law firm representing clients in the areas of Commercial and Business Litigation; Construction, Surety and Contractor Lien Enforcement Litigation; Creditors Rights in Bankruptcy; and Collections and Judgment Recovery. Because clients range in size from Fortune 500 Companies to small businesses, representation is tailored to as…

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