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Kent B. Scott

Updated: February 28th, 2021 | Salt Lake City | Lawyer List K | Babcock Scott & Babcock P.C. |

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Address: 370 East South Temple, 4th Floor, salt-lake-city, UT, 84111
Law Firm: Babcock Scott & Babcock, P.C.
Phone: 801-531-7000
Fax: 801-531-7060
Website: http://www.babcockscott.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeConstruction, Litigation, Mediation, Arbitration, Construction Law, Construction Contracts, Construction Litigation
DescriptionAs a trial attorney, 35 years’ experience, primarily engaged in the prevention and resolution of commercial and construction project disputes. Represents surety bond companies, owners, design professionals, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. Recipient of Utah State Bar Assn. Distinguished Service Award (2002). Named by SuperLawyers as one of the Top Ten Attorneys in the Intermountain Area (2012). Authored several publications and articles including: – ‘Questions Clients Have about Whether (and How) to Mediate and How Counsel Should Answer Them,’ DISPUTE RESOLUTION JOURNAL, May/July 2008; – ‘Maneuvering Through Mediation,’ UTAH STATE BAR JOURNAL, September/October 2005; – ‘The Construction Attorney’s Toolbox – Building Solutions,’ UTAH STATE BAR JOURNAL, vol. 17, no. 9; – ‘Utah’s Revised Uniform Arbitration Act, A Makeover for the Face of Arbitration,’ UTAH STATE BAR JOURNAL, vol. 16, no. 9; Regular contributor of articles for various trade association journals. Speaker at several programs for the American Bar Association, Utah Bar Association, Association of General Contractors of America, American Builders and Contractors of America. Testified before various legislative committees on proposed construction related legislation, the Revised Utah Uniform Arbitration Act and the Utah Uniform Mediation Act. Member: American Arbitration Association Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators; Large Complex Construction Case Panel; U.S. District Court (UT) Panel; Utah Dispute Resolution Mediation Panel.
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Babcock Scott & Babcock P.C.

We Build SolutionsFounded in 1985, Babcock Scott & Babcock, P.C. assists with numerous legal challenges, including Insurance Defense issues. From our office in Sal Lake City, the firm’s attorneys deliver exceptional counsel and service to Salt Lake County clients.

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