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Kerri Lee Stampes

Updated: May 15th, 2022 | Amarillo | Lawyer List K | Riney & Mayfield LLP | Appellate Practice, Commercial Litigation, Products Liability,

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Address: 320 S. Polk Street, Suite 600, amarillo, TX, 79101
Law Firm: Riney & Mayfield LLP
Phone: 806-468-3200
Fax: 806-376-4509
Website: http://www.rineymayfield.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAppellate Practice, Commercial Litigation, Products Liability
DescriptionMs. Stampes practices in the areas of appellate law, commercial litigation and products liability litigation. She has also assisted in the defense of complex cases involving large document productions.Ms. Stampes was a briefing attorney for the Honorable James Moseley at the Fifth District of Texas Court of Appeals. During her time with the Court, she developed in-depth experience with appeals and appellate issues. Ms. Stampes devotes a significant portion of her practice to appellate matters, including drafting of post-trial motions and filings, construction of appellate briefs, and management of original proceedings such as writs of mandamus.In her free time Kerri enjoys spending time with her husband Jarrett and her daughters, Adalynn and Lorelai.
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Riney & Mayfield LLP

RINEY & MAYFIELD focuses on civil trial and appellate law. We aggressively represent clients faced with many different types of cases, dispute resolution and arbitration. Our attorneys are experienced in handling disputes involving appellate matters, commercial litigation, employment, healthcare / medical malpractice, oil and gas, premises liability, products liability, professional liability, transportation litigation, and rapid response emergen…

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