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Kevin D. Jeffs

Updated: September 1st, 2023 | Provo | Lawyer List K | Jeffs & Jeffs P.C. | Civil Litigation, Estate Planning, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Wills & Trusts,

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Address: 90 North 100 East, provo, UT, 84603
Law Firm: Jeffs & Jeffs, P.C.
Phone: 801-373-8848
Fax: 801-373-8878
Website: http://www.jeffslawoffice.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Wills & Trusts, Civil Litigation, Real Estate, Personal Injury
DescriptionKevin graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management in 2005. He received his law degree in 2009 from the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah. Kevin is devoted to helping his clients achieve their legal and financial goals in order to provide a better way of life for themselves and those around them. He is cognizant of the legal and practical aspects of those goals and is dedicated to finding the balance between the two that will result in best satisfying his clients’ needs. When the need arises, Kevin is their advocate in enforcing their legal rights. Kevin is married and has one child. He enjoys spending time with his family, which lately involves attempting to keep his young daughter from throwing anything she can reach – which includes everything he and his wife foolishly store within two feet of the ground – to the floor and then cleaning up when this attempt fails. He also enjoys being outdoors mountain biking, snow skiing, boating and golfing.
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Jeffs & Jeffs P.C.

Founded in 1957 by brothers Dayle and Dean Jeffs, Jeffs & Jeffs, P.C. was built on a solid foundation of service and commitment. Over the past 50 years, the firm has grown to nine attorneys providing a full breadth of legal services to individuals and businesses across the state of Utah. Jeffs & Jeffs, P.C. enjoys a reputation for honesty, integrity and exceptional legal services. Our lawyers are committed to providing you with sound advice, crea…

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