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Kevin M. Shelley

Updated: February 9th, 2022 | New York City | Lawyer List K | Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins LLP | Business Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Employment Law, Litigation,

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Address: 767 Third Avenue, 30th Floor, new-york, NY, 10017
Law Firm: Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins LLP
Phone: 646-797-2236
Fax: 212-755-3174
Website: http://www.kaufmanngildin.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Business Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Employment Law
DescriptionNew York Metro Super Lawyers Selection, 2013-2016. Associate Editor, Franchise Law Journal, 2016-present; Case & Comment Editor, Villanova Law Review, 1991-1992. Co-Author: ‘Preliminary Agreements: How to Avoid Unintended Contractual Obligations’, Franchise Law Journal, Fall 2005; ‘The Uncharted Boundary Between Fair Competition and Tortious Conduct,’ Franchise Law Journal, Winter 2003; ”Control’ in Franchising and the Common Law,’ Franchise Law Journal, Winter 2000. Contributing Author: ‘Franchising Business and Legal Issues,’ Practising Law Institute, 2001; ‘Franchise Desk Book,’ American Bar Association, 2001, revised 2007. Contributor and Panelist, American Bar Association, Forum on Franchising, 2009 and 2006; International Franchise Association Legal Symposium, 2009; Ontario Bar Association Franchise Law Conference, 2002.
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GETTING IT DONE. EXPERTLY. EXTRAORDINARILY. EFFICIENTLY.Companies and individuals — often the largest and most prestigious in their sectors — place their trust and confidence in Kaufmann Gildin Robbins & Oppenheim LLP. So, too, do some of the nation’s most prestigious law firms, investment banks and private equity concerns which are well acquainted with Kaufmann Gildin’s unique abilities in the fields of franchising, licensing and distr…

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