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Kyle R. May

Updated: August 5th, 2021 | Burley | Lawyer List K | May Rammell & Wells |

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Address: 1918 Overland Avenue, burley, ID, 83318
Law Firm: May, Rammell & Wells
Phone: 208-244-6743
Website: https://www.mayrammellwells.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Defense, Family Law, Personal Injury, Wills, Probate, Estates
DescriptionKyle was born and raised here in Pocatello, Idaho. He attended Highland High School and received a full football scholarship at Dixie State College located in St. George, Utah. After a semester attending Dixie, he served an LDS mission in Tokyo, Japan. He went on to receive a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies, a minor in Political Science, and a minor in Japanese at Idaho State University. He received his Juris Doctorate at the University of Idaho.Kyle is married and loves spending time with his wife and children. Outside of the practice of law, he enjoys sports, hunting, skiing, outdoor activities, and spending time with family.Kyle is currently one of two associate attorneys at May, Rammell, and Thompson CHTD. He grew up watching his father practicing law and is a second generation of attorneys in his family. His practice area includes, but not limited to, criminal defense, family law, personal injury, wills, probate, and estates.Kyle is licensed to practice in any state or federal courts in the state of Idaho which includes, Idaho Supreme Court, the U.S. District Court, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, United States Appellate Court for the Federal District.
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