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L. Bradley Schwartz

Updated: May 27th, 2021 | Chicago | Lawyer List L | L. Bradley Law LLC | Medical Malpractice,

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Address: 120 W. Madison, Suite 1108, chicago, IL, 60602
Law Firm: L. Bradley Law LLC
Phone: 312-967-9362
Fax: 3123450430
Website: http://www.lbradleylaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMedical Malpractice
DescriptionAttorney Schwartz is a medical malpractice survivor and multiple amputee who limits his practice to representing amputees and sepsis victims. After 15 years as a trial lawyer, Mr. Schwartz lost his limbs to medical error and misdiagnosis. Today, he represents amputees and sepsis survivors in all aspects of litigation, recovery and insurance. He also advocates for victims and families harmed by medical error and he is the president of a national Patient Advocacy foundation. L. Bradley Schwartz is personally dedicated to guiding patients and families through the litigation and recovery process.
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L. Bradley Law LLC

Attorney representing clients in Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury due to Accident, Disease, Injury, Misdiagnosis, Infection or Medical Malpractice; Disability, Discrimination; Healthcare Advocacy. Attorney Schwartz is a medical malpractice survivor and multiple amputee who represen…

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