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Lars E. Anderson

Updated: January 18th, 2024 | Reston | Lawyer List L | Odin Feldman & Pittleman P.C. |

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Address: 1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 400, reston, VA, 20190
Law Firm: Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, P.C.
Phone: 703-218-2115
Fax: 703-218-2160
Website: http://www.ofplaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionFor decades, Lars Anderson has focused his legal practice on helping small- and mid-sized businesses to navigate the complex world of government contracting. From resolving bid protests and disputes to helping clients stay abreast of changing internal procedures and regulatory requirements including compliance with SBA regulations, Lars’ comprehensive understanding of how to build and maintain effective working relationships with Federal government customers delivers maximum benefit for his clients. His clients list spans myriad industries, including IT services, construction, maritime operations, manufacturing, and military training simulation. Lars served as a member of the Office of General Counsel for the Department of the Navy for 15 years, and received the U.S. Navy’s Distinguished Civilian Service Award.
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Odin Feldman & Pittleman P.C.

We work with you to develop a shared vision and effective strategies that help you meet your goals. Partner with us on your next business transaction, personal matter, or legal issue.Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, P.C., a full-service law firm located in Reston, Virginia, serves clients in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and throughout the nation. Established in 1972, we have grown to nearly 60 attorneys who offer experience in practic…

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