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Laura Ann Carpenter

Updated: February 10th, 2021 | Odessa | Lawyer List L | Law Office of Laura A. Carpenter |

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Address: 700 N. Grant, Suite 104, odessa, TX, 79761
Law Firm: Law Office of Laura A. Carpenter
Phone: 877-971-3883
Fax: (432) 333-3330
Website: http://www.lauracarpenterlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Law, DWI, Family Law, Divorce, Restraining Orders, Wills
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Law Office of Laura A. Carpenter

Busted? Now more than ever, you need an attorney that can get you out of a tough situation. This is your life we’re talking about! Don’t trust your life to anyone. Laura A. Carpenter brings extensive experience and aggressive defense strategies in all state and federal criminal matters. From initial investigations through trial and appeal, you’ll know you’ve made the right choice. Texas Criminal Law Areas of Specialty Drugs, DWI, DUI, Assau…

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