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Laurence G. Bousquet

Updated: July 11th, 2023 | Syracuse | Lawyer List L | Bousquet Holstein PLLC | Business Transactions, Estate Planning, Health Care, Mergers and Acquisitions,

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Address: 110 West Fayette Street, Suite 1000, syracuse, NY, 13202
Law Firm: Bousquet Holstein PLLC
Phone: 315-422-1500
Fax: 315-422-3549
Website: http://www.bhlawpllc.com

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Transactions, Mergers and Acquisitions, Estate Planning, Health Care
DescriptionLarry is a founding member of Bousquet Holstein PLLC and serves on its Board of Managers. He has performed extensive work involving acquisitions, sales and mergers, capital formation, enterprise structuring, feasibility studies, partnership and limited liability company law, commercial transactions, estate taxation and business transition planning, and New York and federal income, estate, and gift taxation.Larry serves as special counsel and as general counsel to a number of businesses in industries as varied as trucking, the nationwide leader in municipal sewer root control products and services, worldwide events management, bulk and specialty dairy products processing, food bar manufacturing, assembly and fabrication of pneumatic and hydraulic systems and sub-assemblies, and the local community college. For each of his clients, Larry serves as a trusted adviser to assist in the development of strategic solutions that achieve the business, personal, and economic objectives of the client.Larry is a Director and Member of the Executive Committee of CenterState CEO and serves on the Board of Directors of Syracuse 20/20. Larry is the past President of the Onondaga Citizens League, where he was the Chair of the 2005 study on Strategic Governmental Consolidation. In that respect, Larry guided a community wide process over a period of more than a year that studied all aspects of municipal consolidation and their applicability to governmental structures in Onondaga County. Larry was the principal writer of the study report. He is currently a member of the Consensus Commission on Local Government Modernization. Larry also served on Mayor Stephanie Miner’s Economic Development Transition Team and was a Member of County Executive Joanie Mahoney’s Transition Team Task Force for Government Modernization. He served as Chair of Congressman Dan Maffei’s Transition Team.Larry is presently the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County and the Chair of the Board of Trustees of Crouse Health Foundation. Larry is the immediate past Chair of the Board and continues to serve as a Trustee of the Gifford Foundation. Larry is the immediate past President of the Everson Museum and continues to serve as an honorary Trustee and chairs its Development Committee. Larry also served as the Chair of the Turner to Cezanne Exhibition Committee. He served for many years on the Board of Directors of Hiscock Legal Aid and is a past President of the Society. He also is a past Director of the Syracuse City School District Educational Foundation where he served as Chair of the Grants Committee for six years.Larry is an honors graduate of Kenyon College and the Syracuse University College of Law, where he served for many years as an adjunct faculty member co-teaching a course on partnership taxation.
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Bousquet Holstein PLLC

Bousquet Holstein PLLC is a versatile law firm representing clients across many industries. The firm’s clientele is comprised of businesses and individual clients for whom we provide legal advice and counsel on a broad range of matters: business transactions and planning, mergers and acquisitions, economic development, commercial litigation, commercial real estate, government relations, public finance, estate planning, trust administration, energ…

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