Updated: August 20th, 2022 | Whippany | Lawyer List L | Townsend Tomaio & Newmark L.L.C. | Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, Family Law, Mediation,
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Address: 100 South Jefferson Road, Suite 200, whippany, NJ, 07981
Law Firm: Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C.
Phone: 973-796-3939
Fax: 973-539-4151
Website: https://www.ttnlaw.com
Title | Founding Partner |
First Year of Call | |
Areas of Practice | Family Law, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody, Mediation |
Description | Laurie L. Newmark is one of the founding partners of our firm. Since completing her Superior Court of New Jersey, Family Part, judicial clerkship in 1998 she has devoted her practice to exclusively family lawin Northern and Central New Jersey. Laurie is admitted to practice in the State of New Jersey, State of New York, and the District Court of New Jersey. Laurie is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. She received her Juris Doctorate degree in 1998 from Seton Hall University, School of Law and received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Laurie attended an international comparative law program with American University, Washington College of Law as part of her legal education. She also completed the prestigious American Bar Association, Family Law Trial Advocacy Institute in Houston, Texas as part of her Family Law training. Laurie received the honor of being included in the Super Lawyers list* published by Thomson Reuters relative to being a divorce attorney in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. Prior to that she was included in the Super Lawyers Rising Stars* list from 2006 to 2013. The qualifications or requirements for being included can be viewed at www.superlawyers.com. Laurie’s practice is premised on fact that she provides 100% service and care for each and every client. Laurie insists that every client be treated with well-deserved respect and compassion. She recognizes that she is advocating for mothers, fathers, husbands and wives who are individuals first with specific needs. She always strives to resolve matters in an effective manner negotiating unique resolutions, when appropriate, and giving client’s the ability to make informed decisions throughout the process. When you are represented by Laurie and her team you will feel protected and know you are getting quality representation. Laurie’s areas of practice include divorce, child custody and matters involving complex financial issues such as business valuations. Laurie represents victims of domestic violence and also defends alleged offenders vigorously. She also represents parents in actions involving DCP&P and has experience handling sensitive matters involving allegations of abuse and neglect. While Laurie is a skilled trial lawyer she is also a strong believer in alternate dispute resolution. She wholeheartedly supports the mediation process. Laurie is proud to have participated in resolving complex financial cases and parenting disputes enabling families to their differences without litigation. Laurie is an approved family mediator pursuant to Court Rule 1:40-12 and routinely participates in private and court appointed mediation as an alternative to court litigation. She has served as a panelist for the Morris and Passaic County Matrimonial Early Settlement Panel Mediation Program. Laurie has also been appointed by the Court as a Parent Coordinator in high conflict divorce cases involving children. She has also been appointed as a Guardian Ad Litem to protect the interests of minors during matrimonial litigation and in litigation involving DCPP in Bergen, Passaic, Essex and Morris County. She has also been appointed by the Court as a Discovery Master in complex matrimonial litigation. When not practicing law, Laurie is the proud mother of a son and a daughter. She is active on the board of trustees with CASA, an organization that serves as an advocate for children in the Court system. She has also been involved as a volunteer for the Women’s Center at County College of Morris and a long-time volunteer representing alleged victims of domestic violence. Video Coverage Laurie L. Newmark, Major v. Maguire in September, 2015 Articles: Garden State Woman, Information & Resources for NJ Women Professional Associations and Memberships American Association for Justice, Member Morris County Bar Association Essex County Bar Association American Bar Association New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Inns of Court District X Ethics Committee, Morris/Sussex County Vicinage Randolph Township, Board of Adjustments Board of Trustees with CASA, Morris and Sussex Published Decisions Major v. Maguire, Supreme Court of New Jersey, January, 2016, Successfully represented grandparents in a visitation dispute over visitation with their late son’s daughter after being trial judge dismissed grandparent’s case at initial appearance at Appellate Division and Supreme Court. Unpublished Decisions: Dueno v. Dueno, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division. November 27, 2007, Not Reported in A.2d 2007 WL 4165337, successfully defended mother/ex-wife at trial level in a post judgment modification of alimony and child support. Appellate division remanded and successfully defended appeal. Englard v. Englard, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division. July 13, 2006 Not Reported in A.2d 2006 WL 1911509, represented father in post judgment child support modification. Mother appealed. Appellate division reversed and remanded. Slim v. Slim, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division. November 27, 2013, Not Reported in A.3d 2013 WL 6182413 Successfully represented ex-husband in post judgment modification trial of his support obligation to his former wife. Wife appealed decision and Appellate decision affirmed. Rodrigues v. Rodrigues, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division. August 18, 2015 Not Reported in A.3d 2015 WL 5009738. Represented wife in appeal of alimony and equitable distribution filed by former husband. Appellate Division affirmed in part and reversed and remanded part. Past Employment Positions Office of the Attorney General, Essex County, New Jersey, Legal Intern, 1996 Juvenile Justice Clinic, Newark, New Jersey, Legal Intern, 1997 Hon. Renee Jones Weeks, J.S.C., Essex County Superior Court, Criminal Part, Newark, New Jersey, Legal Intern, 1997 Hon. Philip B. Cummis, J.S.C., Essex County Superior Court, Family Part, Newark, New Jersey, Law Clerk, 1998 1999 Cutler, Simeone, Townsend, Tomaio and Newmark, LLC, Member, 1999 2009 Media: click to view the video Garden State Woman, Information & Resources for NJ Women New Jersey Law Journal, January 18, 2016 Publications: Understanding the divorce process in NJ, AVVO Legal Guides, 2011 Speaking Engagements: Pursuing a Business Education and Career, Rutgers Business School 2014 Be Prepared in Divorce, Interview, 2014 Understanding Domestic Violence, Interview, 2014 |
Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C., is one of the largest family law practices in New Jersey. Our firm is equipped to handle small cases cost-effectively, but we have the resources and reputation to handle more complex matters as well.As a firm of seasoned family law attorneys, Townsend, Tom…
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