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Lawya L. Rangel

Updated: March 27th, 2023 | Rancho Cucamonga | Lawyer List L | ClouseSpaniac Attorneys | Civil Litigation, Employment Law, Personal Injury,

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Address: 8038 Haven Avenue, Suite E, rancho-cucamonga, CA, 91730
Law Firm: ClouseSpaniac Attorneys
Phone: 909-276-4992
Website: http://www.csattys.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Personal Injury, Employment Law
DescriptionLawya L. Rangel joins the ClouseSpaniac team with a vast amount of experience across many different types of law. Lawya’s areas of practice include civil litigation, personal injury, appellate law, professional malpractice, and employment law.Lawya attended the University of San Diego where she achieved her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science and also attended the University’s School of Law where she earned her Juris Doctor. As a student, Lawya worked at the Casa Cornelia Law Center and, after graduation, was offered a position to practice law. At Casa Cornelia Law Center, Lawya focused on immigration law where she was an advocate for unaccompanied minors in the immigration system, and represented clients from the trial court level through the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal. Lawya also worked on asylum, Convention Against Torture, and human trafficking cases. Working at the Center allowed Lawya to feel like [her] work means something. This ideal has carried her through employment in the private sector, where her practice has focused on professional malpractice defense and employment law.When it comes to law, Lawya loves how the law is constantly evolving. I enjoy learning and, with law, you are always learning something new whether it’s new changes in law or learning about a new type of law.Lawya is admitted to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal and the United States District Court, United States District Court, Central District, Southern District. In addition, Lawya is a member of the Western San Bernardino County Bar Association.Outside of the office, Lawya enjoys spending time with her family.
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ClouseSpaniac is a civil defense law practice based in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. We represent businesses & government entities throughout California.When you require litigation counsel to resolve a dispute, there is no substitute for a strong track record. With more than 75 years of combined legal experience, the lawyers of ClouseSpaniac Attorneys have the skill and knowledge to steer you toward a successful result. Our clients trust us to re…

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