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Lee Lederman

Updated: September 11th, 2020 | Piscataway | Lawyer List L | The Law Offices of Lee R. Lederman | Acquisition, Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate, Residential Real Estate,

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Address: 216 Stelton Road, Suite A-2, piscataway, NJ, 08854
Law Firm: The Law Offices of Lee R. Lederman
Phone: 732-400-5554
Fax: 732-424-9585
Website: http://www.ledermanlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Commercial Real Estate, Residential Real Estate, Acquisition
DescriptionMember, 1985-1986, Associate Editor, 1986-1987, Hofstra Labor Law Journal. Law Clerk to Hon. Marvin N. Rimm, Tax Court of New Jersey, 1987-1988.
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The Law Offices of Lee R. Lederman

The Law Offices of Lee R. Lederman is a real estate law firm. Unlike many law firms that handle numerous different types of legal matters, our firm prides itself on concentrating in the area of residential and commercial real estate. The firm is committed to providing affordable legal services while maintaining high standards of excellence. We provide our clients with the transactional legal services they require in connection with their real…

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