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Lewis B Moore

Updated: June 21st, 2022 | Phoenix | Lawyer List L | Moore Injury Law | Personal Injury Law, Wrongful Death,

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Address: 5070 North 40th Street UNIT 240, Phoenix, AZ 85018
Lawyer Firm: Moore Injury Law
Phone: (602) 795-6605
Email: rhea@mooreinjurylaw.com
Website: https://mooreinjurylaw.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of Practicepersonal injury lawyers, car accident lawyers, dog bite lawyers, slip and fall lawyers, wrongful death lawyers
DescriptionLew Moore was born and raised in the Arcadia area of Phoenix. Lew has been practicing personal injury law for 30 years. He has experience on both sides of injury law. After 12 years in private practice, he accepted the job of Assistant Attorney General in Arizona, defending the State and ADOT in litigating complex highway defect, design and maintenance cases.
If you have been injured in an accident that was the result of negligence or some long-ignored defect, it is important that you speak to a lawyer about your claims without delay. Many such accident cases are bound by Arizona law’s statute of limitations, giving accident victims a small window of opportunity in which they may seek to hold others accountable for the accidents that injured them.
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Moore Injury Law

Moore Injury Law is a personal injury law firm with decades of experience fighting for the rights of injured clients. Our attorneys have a successful track record in negotiating fair settlements for our clients who have suffered truck accidents, slip and fall injuries, and more. We firmly believe that all victims of negligence deserve justice, and we work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for each and every client.

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