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Linay L. Haubert

Updated: April 28th, 2021 | Doylestown | Lawyer List L | High Swartz | Social Security Disability, Workers Compensation,

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Address: 116 East Court Street, doylestown, PA, 18901
Law Firm: High Swartz
Phone: 267-454-2157
Website: http://www.highswartz.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeWorkers Compensation, Social Security Disability
DescriptionAn associate with High Swartz, Linay joined the firm in 2016 as a result of a merger with McNamara, Bolla & Panzer, a firm she joined in 2007. Linay focuses her practice in the areas of workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability. She represents employers in workers’ compensation matters at the trial and appellate level in Philadelphia, Bucks County and Montgomery County. With 15 years of experience as a registered nurse, Linay brings a unique perspective that is especially beneficial in handling medically complex workers’ compensation cases. Linay’s talents and skills are as applicable in the community as they are at the law firm. She is an active volunteer for the PTA and youth sports programs and helps in a number of fundraising causes, including those for Shriners Hospital for Children, St. Jude Children’s Hospital and the Wounded Warrior Project. Linay is also engaged in the Discovery Service Project’s mission work to assist in building community centers for childcare and job training in South America.
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Over 100 years of Setting the Bar HighEstablished in 1914, High Swartz LLP is a general practice law firm centered in Southeastern Pennsylvania with a reach throughout the Commonwealth, Southern New Jersey and the Mid-Atlantic states. Our law firm has earned a reputation as one of the most p…

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