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Lisa C. Tarr

Updated: September 20th, 2021 | San Francisco | Lawyer List L | Winter & Ross | Family Law,

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Address: 101 Mission Street, Suite 1125, san-francisco, CA, 94105
Law Firm: Winter & Ross
Phone: 415-906-0004
Fax: 415.788.6061
Website: http://www.winterross.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law
DescriptionCertified Family Law Specialist. Settlement Judge Pro Tem, San Francisco and Marin County. Northern California Super Lawyer, 2005-2007; 2009, 2010.
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Winter & Ross

Family law including Marital Dissolutions, Custody and Post-Judgment Proceedings.Winter & Ross represents clients in all aspects of family law, including complex marital dissolution actions, high conflict custody matters, paternity, and non-marital cohabitation cases. We understand that the most successful settlements result from intense trial preparation. Our firm is comprised of experienced litigators with an impressive record of cou…

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