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Lloyd L. Boyer

Updated: October 23rd, 2021 | Englewood | Lawyer List L | Lloyd L. Boyer P.C. |

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Address: 3780 S. Broadway, englewood, CO, 80113-3612
Law Firm: Lloyd L. Boyer, P.C.
Phone: 303-783-0220
Fax: 303-783-0997
Website: http://lloydlboyer.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Defense, Felonies, Misdemeanors, White Collar Crime, Sexual Assault, Driving While Intoxicated, Traffic Violations, Drug Crimes, Domestic Violence, Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Assault and Battery, Burglary, DUI/DWI, Drivers License Suspension, Homicide, Sex Crimes, Theft, Weapons Charges
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta. Editor, Denver Law Journal, 1979-1981. Recipient, American Jurisprudence Award in Criminal Procedure, University of Denver. Commercial Pilot’s License, Multi-Engine Rating, 1975. President, Denver/Colorado Chapter, Phi Alpha Delta Alumni Association, 1984-1985.
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Lloyd L. Boyer P.C.

Assertive & Diligent Englewood, CO Attorney Providing creative and innovative strategies When you’re facing the Colorado justice system, the way your attorney handles your case can have a lifetime impact on you. Count on an assertive Colorado criminal defense attorney with more than 30 years of experience to protect your rights. When your life and liberty are on the line, you owe it to yourself to utilize my broad knowledge and skills. Rega…

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