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Lori A. Meyerhoffer

Updated: November 27th, 2022 | Raleigh | Lawyer List L | Yates McLamb & Weyher L.L.P. |

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Address: 434 Fayetteville Street, Suite 2200, raleigh, NC, 27601
Law Firm: Yates, McLamb & Weyher, L.L.P.
Phone: 919-719-6010
Fax: 919-835-0910
Website: http://www.ymwlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMedical Malpractice Defense, Commercial Litigation, Business Litigation, Health Care, Insurance Defense, Civil Litigation, Toxic Torts
DescriptionDr. Meyerhoffer is a licensed physician and attorney. She applies her medical knowledge to represent physicians, nurses, medical practices, and hospitals.Areas of practice include all forms of litigation, licensing board representation, medical licensing matters, National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) matters, as well as MAC/RAC audits and Medicare Set Asides. She also provides consultative services for physicians and hospitals to assist with risk reduction. Prior to returning to medical school, Dr. Meyerhoffer earned a doctor of optometry degree and utilizes that specialized education to defend ophthalmologists in malpractice litigation. She also has a special interest in assisting with optimizing utilization of electronic health records while limiting potential liability exposure.Dr. Meyerhoffer also performs medical chart reviews for general liability and malpractice claims. Her attention is specifically directed to causation and potential defenses to claims in an effort to foster early dismissal, reasonable resolution, or success at trial.In her spare time, Dr. Meyerhoffer enjoys hiking, cycling, cooking, crafting, theater, and spending time with her husband and two children.
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Yates McLamb & Weyher L.L.P.

Commercial and Business Litigation; Healthcare; Professional Malpractice; Insurance Defense; Construction Liability and Contract Disputes; Professional Licensing and Government Oversight; Class Action and Mass Tort Litigation; MediationThe lawyers of Yates McLamb and Weyher are proud to celebrate the firm’s 35th anniversary in 2018. Although we were founded as a practice specializing in civil litigation and appellate practice, our ex…

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