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Lynn A. Bradley

Updated: March 6th, 2022 | Harrisonburg | Lawyer List L | The Women's Legal Group | Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Family Law, Family Mediation, Workers Compensation,

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Address: 590 Neff Avenue, harrisonburg, VA, 22801
Law Firm: The Women’s Legal Group
Phone: 540-208-4025
Fax: 434-481-8021
Website: https://www.harrisonburgattorneys.com/

TitleWorkers’ Compensation Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeWorkers Compensation, Family Law, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Family Mediation
DescriptionYou were injured at work and now you have questions. The truth is the workers’ compensation laws in Virginia heavily favor employers and insurance companies. The insurance companies know this and they have knowledge and experience that you don’t. Their job is to scrutinize every claim in an effort to save money, which often means denying legitimate claims, denying medical services or delaying benefits. If you don’t know to ask for it, or feel powerless to demand it, you often won’t get it. I will give you straight answers. I will help you understand your claim and guide you through the ‘workers’ compensation maze.’ I will use my extensive knowledge of workers’ compensation laws in Virginia and my experience to fight for you. Contact me today for a Free Consultation. Let’s stand up and fight together! While the results obtained under one set of circumstances cannot be a predictor of future results, here is a sample of my previous settlements: 1. $1,143,367 for a 46 year-old laborer with should and low back injuries. 2. $900,982 for a 56 year-old nurse with a low back injury. 3. $592,910 for a 44 year-old HVAC tech with an eye and arm injury. 4. $200,00 for a 38 year-old corrections officer with a shoulder and leg injury. 5. $195,811 for a 50 year-old long haul truck driver with a shoulder injury.
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