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Lynne M. Winograd

Updated: March 20th, 2021 | West New York | Lawyer List L | Winograd & Schwartz Attorneys At Law P.C. | Adoption Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Matrimonial Law, Personal Injury, Real Estate,

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Address: 440 60th Street, Suite 206, west-new-york, NJ, 07093
Law Firm: Winograd & Schwartz Attorneys At Law, P.C.
Phone: 201-472-5610
Fax: (201) 770-9992
Website: http://www.winogradandschwartz.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMatrimonial Law, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Adoption Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution
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Winograd & Schwartz Attorneys At Law P.C.

Lawyers and legal services in West New York, Jersey City and Hudson CountyWinograd and Schwartz offers personalized service to each client. We understand that strong attorney client relationships are based on trust. We understand that attorneys and their clients are partners, two minds working toward an effective solution. We measure our success not by how many clients we represent, but by how effectively we represent them. At Wi…

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