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M. Paul Killian

Updated: October 21st, 2023 | Huntsville | Lawyer List M | Harrison & Gammons P.C. |

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Address: 2430 L&N Drive, huntsville, AL, 35801
Law Firm: Harrison & Gammons, P.C.
Phone: 256-533-7711
Fax: 256-382-3580
Website: http://www.hgrpc.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionPaul joined Harrison, Gammons & Rawlinson, P.C. in 2013. Prior to joining the law firm Paul worked for a local law firm representing national and local business entities engaged in complex litigation matters, including non-compete agreements, business disputes, antitrust, real property redemption, and real property ejectment. Immediately following law school Paul hung his shingle opening a small law practice in Huntsville. Paul works in the firm’s litigation department representing clients involved in a variety of civil litigation matters, including defense of mortgage lenders and commercial banks, real property disputes, ejectment/evictions from property, collections, creditor bankruptcy, personal injury claims, construction litigation and contract litigation arising out of complex and diverse commercial transactions. Additionally, Paul provides counsel to clients in need of estate planning and probate services. In addition to work at the trial court level Paul has represented clients before both the Alabama Supreme Court and Alabama Court of Civil Appeals on a variety of appellate matters. Paul is a board member at the New Hope Children’s Clinic. Paul resides in Huntsville with his wife, Lindsay, and their three children. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with his kids, the occasional round of golf and flights in his hot air balloon.
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