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Marcy Sonneborn

Updated: August 21st, 2023 | New York City | Lawyer List M | Molod Spitz & DeSantis P.C. |

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Address: 1430 Broadway, 21st Floor, new-york, NY, 10018
Law Firm: Molod Spitz & DeSantis, P.C.
Phone: 347-966-2710
Fax: 212-869-4242
Website: http://www.molodspitz.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
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Molod Spitz & DeSantis P.C.

With complete client focus, Molod Spitz & DeSantis has redefined the concept of a winning defense.Molod Spitz & DeSantis, P.C. offers a full range of legal services to the risk industry including defense of individuals, corporations, and insureds. With complete client focus, Molod Spitz & DeSantis has redefined the concept of a winning defense. We take special care to understand each client’s individual circumstances and unique operating…

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