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Maria Ortiz

Updated: February 26th, 2023 | Lubbock | Lawyer List M | Davidson Sheen LLP | Business, Wills-Trusts-Probate,

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Address: 12405 Quaker Avenue, lubbock, TX, 79424
Law Firm: Davidson Sheen, LLP
Phone: 806-589-5739
Fax: (806) 412-6010
Website: https://davidsonsheen.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness, Wills-Trusts-Probate
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Davidson Sheen LLP

Our firm is focused primarily in representation of business owners throughout West Texas, the Permian Basin, and New Mexico. We value every client, and recognize that all business issues deserve our time & recognition.Established Lubbock attorney Brad J. Davidson comes to the firm after spending over fifteen (15) years total in affiliation and almost a decade as a partner of one of Lubbock’s finest and most prestigious law firms. Ther…

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