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Marian D. Nettles

Updated: April 3rd, 2021 | Lake City | Lawyer List M | Nettles Turbeville and Reddeck |

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Address: 261 Kelley St., lake-city, SC, 29560
Law Firm: Nettles, Turbeville and Reddeck
Phone: 843-374-8511
Fax: 843-374-3211

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionOrder of the Coif; Pi Sigma Alpha; Wig and Robe.
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Nettles Turbeville and Reddeck

The firm was established in 1952 by E. Leroy Nettles and George Albott Thomy and has maintained a general practice over the years. The firm primarily represents small businesses, corporations and individuals throughout the Eastern part of South Carolina. The firm’s support staff consists of paralegals to assist with matters.

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