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Mariko Badders

Updated: January 31st, 2022 | Nacogdoches | Lawyer List M | Badders Law Firm |

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Address: 4002 North Street, nacogdoches, TX, 75965
Law Firm: Badders Law Firm
Phone: 936-585-4744
Fax: 936-564-8095
Website: http://www.badderslawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Accidents, Animal Attacks, Automobile Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Boating Accidents, Bodily Injury, Brain Injury, Bus Accidents, Commercial Vehicle Liability, Dog Bites, Electrical Injury, Head Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Pedestrian Injuries, Plaintiffs Personal Injury, School Bus Accidents, Spinal Injury, Third Party Wrongful Death, Traumatic Brain Injury, Whiplash, Wrongful Death
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Badders Law Firm

Helping Texans for over 25 years in Personal Injury, Auto & 18-Wheeler Accidents cases. Convenient locations in Nacogdoches & Lufkin. Call for free initial consultation: 936-564-6181. Se Habla EspanolAttorney Jeff Badders has been committed to helping Texans for over 26 years. His practice is focused on defending people who have been injured through no fault of their own who may also need to deal with insurance companies unwilling to hono…

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