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Mark D. Byrne

Updated: July 9th, 2021 | Berkeley | Lawyer List M | Law Offices of Triano & Byrne |

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Address: 2000 Center Street, Suite 308, berkeley, CA, 94704
Law Firm: Law Offices of Triano & Byrne
Phone: 510-277-4550
Fax: 510-548-8096
Website: http://www.trianobyrne.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Probate, Trusts and Estates, Family Law, Juvenile Law, Estate Litigation, Bankruptcy
DescriptionHonorable Mention, Moot Court Competition, McGeorge School of Law, 1983. Treasurer, Board of Directors, Charitable Corporation, Court Appointed Special Advocates.
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Law Offices of Triano & Byrne

Representing businesses and the people behind them in The San Francisco Bay Area. Skilled legal help for real estate, business, family law, and more.At the Law Offices of Triano & Byrne, we help our clients with legal matters in real estate, business and family disputes, and in matters where all these areas of the law relate to each other. We keep sight on the human element in business and real estate litigation, and we take a serious…

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