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Marshall Aubrey Gallop

Updated: February 6th, 2022 | Rocky Mount | Lawyer List M | Battle Winslow Scott & Wiley P.A. | Insurance Law,

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Address: 2343 Professional Drive, rocky-mount, NC, 27804-0100
Law Firm: Battle, Winslow, Scott & Wiley, P.A.
Phone: 252-231-6041
Website: https://bwsw.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeInsurance Law
DescriptionMarshall’s entire legal career has been with Battle Winslow, where he is a senior partner and President of the firm. He practices primarily in the area of healthcare law and alternative dispute resolution, and is a Certified Superior Court Mediator. Marshall has been recognized as a top lawyer by Super Lawyers from 2006-2013. Over the years, Marshall has made numerous presentations at seminars sponsored by the North Carolina Bar Association, the North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys, the North Carolina Advocates for Justice and the Conference of Superior Court Judges, primarily in the areas of Insurance Law, Civil Procedure and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
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Battle Winslow Scott & Wiley P.A.

For more than a century, Battle Winslow has served clients in Eastern North Carolina and throughout the state. We’ve handled thousands of cases with success because every single client and every single case is important to us.A full service law firm serving Rocky Mount, Raleigh, and Eastern NCIf you need legal services in Eastern North Carolina, you have come to the right place.Battle, Winslow, Scott & Wiley, P.A. is one…

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