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Mary Ann Stackhouse

Updated: June 27th, 2023 | Knoxville | Lawyer List M | Lewis Thomason King Krieg & Waldrop P.C. | General Civil, Insurance, Professional Liability,

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Address: 620 Market Street, knoxville, TN, 37901
Law Firm: Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, P.C.
Phone: (865) 546-4646
Fax: 865-523-6529
Website: http://www.lewisthomason.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeGeneral Civil, Insurance, Professional Liability
DescriptionMary Ann Stackhouse is a shareholder with a broad range of jury and non-jury litigation experience.In Tennessee, her litigation work has been in the areas of transportation and tort defense, civil rights and employment defense, public education issues and public access cases in state and federal court. Ms. Stackhouse has argued cases to the Tennessee Court of Appeals and Supreme Court, the Alabama Court of Appeals and Supreme Court, and the Sixth and Eleventh Circuit Courts of Appeal.Her practice in Alabama included the prosecution and defense of civil rights cases, personal injury, products liability and felony prosecution and defense. For many years, Ms. Stackhouse served as Adjunct Faculty for the University of Tennessee College of Law, teaching Pre-Trial Litigation and Case Development and was the recipient of the 2001 Outstanding Adjunct Teacher Award from the College of Law.Ms. Stackhouse served in the Knox County Law Director’s office from November, 1995 until August, 2008, first as a Deputy Law Director, and then, as Chief Deputy. While there Ms. Stackhouse defended civil rights, tort and employment claims in federal and state courts, with a focus on defending law enforcement. She also drafted and negotiated health insurance, construction and architect contracts. Ms. Stackhouse prepared requests for proposals and qualifications, evaluation of bids, and gave advice to elected officials and department heads. She has experience litigating matters involving the Open Meetings Act and the Public Records Act.PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITIESNamed to The Best Lawyers in America , Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants City of Knoxville Business Advisory Council Named a Cityview Magazine Top Attorney Outstanding Adjunct Teacher Award, University of Tennessee College of Law, 2001 Knoxville Bar Association 2002 Dicta Award Member Emeritus and Past President, Hamilton Burnett Inns of Court Member, Advisory Board to the Lincoln Memorial University College of Law in Knoxville Member, Omicron Delta Kappa Recipient, Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award for service and scholarship
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