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Mary Fangio

Updated: February 24th, 2021 | Syracuse | Lawyer List M | Whitelaw & Fangio | Bankruptcy Law, Civil Litigation, Real Estate,

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Address: 247-259 West Fayette Street, syracuse, NY, 13202-2250
Law Firm: Whitelaw & Fangio
Phone: 315-505-4213
Fax: 315-472-7816
Website: http://www.whitelawfangio.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy Law, Civil Litigation, Real Estate
DescriptionNotes and Comments Editor, Syracuse Law Review, 1979-1980. Editor, Central New York Bankruptcy Bar Newsletter. Law Clerk to Hon. Neal P. McCurn, U.S. District Judge, Northern District of New York, 1981-1982.
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Whitelaw & Fangio

Personalized services to guide you down the road to financial health. Client centered Bankruptcy Chapter 13, 7 and stop creditor harassment. Residential Real Estate transactions in Syracuse, NY and all of Onondaga County, New York

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