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Matthew Brian Probus

Updated: April 4th, 2022 | Sugar Land | Lawyer List M | Wauson & Probus P.C. | Business Litigation, Business Planning, Commercial Litigation, Construction Law, Insurance Bad Faith,

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Address: One Sugar Creek Center Boulevard, Suite 880, sugar-land, TX, 77478
Law Firm: Wauson & Probus, P.C.
Phone: 281-242-0303
Website: http://www.texbusinesslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Business Planning, Commercial Litigation, Construction Law, Insurance Bad Faith
DescriptionResearch Editor: American Journal of Criminal Law, 1987-1988. Author: ‘ The Emergence and Emergency of Designer of Designer Drugs: Subdelegation of the Power Temporarily to Schedule in Light of the United States v. Spain,’ 14 Am. J. Crim. Law 257, 1987. Co-Author: ‘ Structured Transactions in Money Laundering: Dealing with Tax Evaders, Smurfs, and Other Enemies of the People,’ 15 Am. J. Crim. Law 83, 1988. Law Clerk to: Hon. R.F. Wheless, Jr., U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, Southern District of Texas, 1988-1989; Hon. James DeAnda, U.S. District Judge, 1990. Chairman, Subcommittee on Collection Agency Licensing, Texas Unit, American Collectors Association, 1993.
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Wauson & Probus P.C.

In 1990, Wes Wauson founded the Sugar Land Texas Business Litigation law firm of Wauson & Associates, P.C. to provide highly skilled and aggressive Business Litigation Attorney services to small businesses and individuals. He established a relaxed setting of a small law firm with small town values with the professional standards of a large big city law firm.A Texas trial lawyer and business and civil trial specialist, Wes Wauson is Board Certi…

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