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Melissa A. Dziak

Updated: October 9th, 2022 | Moosic | Lawyer List M | Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin P.C. | General Liability, Product Liability,

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Address: 50 Glenmaura National Boulevard, moosic, PA, 18507
Law Firm: Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin, P.C.
Phone: (570) 496-4618
Fax: 570-496-0567
Website: http://www.marshalldennehey.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeProduct Liability, General Liability
DescriptionMelissa is a shareholder in the firm’s Health Care Department. For more than a decade, she has defended physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, home health aides, physical therapists, psychologists, hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, physician practice groups, long-term care facilities, and home health and medical device manufacturers in Pennsylvania and New York. Melissa has successfully defended clients through trial in several state and federal court jurisdictions, as well as negotiating favorable settlements in high-exposure cases. In addition to defending health care professionals, Melissa also represents and advises one of the largest national independent foodservice distributors, providing strategic legal guidance and representation in high exposure litigation.Melissa is a Certified Mediator for the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. In this role, Melissa acts as a mediator for the Court, providing an alternative means of resolving civil disputes in the areas of personal injury, premises liability, medical malpractice and FELA litigation. Melissa has more than 15 years of experience in the court room, having worked as an Assistant District Attorney in Westchester County, New York, prior to starting her career as a civil litigator. Before joining Marshall Dennehey, Melissa was the managing partner in a large, multidisciplinary regional law firm in northeastern Pennsylvania and New York State.Honors & awards Certified Mediator, United States District Court for the Middle District of PennsylvaniaYear joined2019Pro Bono ActivitiesLackawanna Pro BonoThought LeadershipCLASSES/SEMINARS TAUGHTMergers & Acquisitions in the Health Care Landscape, Michigan Society of Healthcare Risk Management, February 2020Mergers & Acquisitions in the Health Care Landscape, American Society for Health Care Risk Management, October 2019
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Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin P.C.

Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin, founded in 1962, has realized substantial growth in response to our continually expanding client base. We are a defense firm, and our professional practices encompass a wide spectrum of litigation matters.We are 500 attorneys strong and have 20 offices strategically located in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Ohio, Florida, and New York.This distribution of attorneys and offices prov…

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