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Melissa E. Aitken

Updated: September 28th, 2020 | Rockville | Lawyer List M | Altman & Associates P.C. | Estate Administration, Probate, Trust Administration, Trusts and Estates,

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Address: 11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 708, rockville, MD, 20852-3011
Law Firm: Altman & Associates, P.C.
Phone: 855-467-2569
Fax: 301-468-3255
Website: http://www.altmanassociates.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeProbate, Estate Administration, Trust Administration, Trusts and Estates
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Altman & Associates P.C.

‘Exclusively Estate Law’Altman & Associates offers comprehensive and individually-tailored estate planning solutions to individuals, families and business in Maryland, DC, Virginia and New York. Unlike firms that dabble in estate planning, Altman & Associates has an exclusive focus on estate law.Estate PlanningWills & TrustsMedical Directives & Powers of AttorneyEstate & Trust AdministrationPlanning for LGBT & Blended Fa…

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